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CHEM 31S: STEMentors in Chemistry

STEMentors in Chemistry has been designed to provide timely support for students in CHEM 31A with study and problem-solving skills applicable in both chemistry and STEM courses in general. Students will join a small cohort of other CHEM31A students looking to build community with and support other students in STEM. Weekly sections will focus on group activities and individual check-ins facilitated by a peer mentor who has previously taken the CHEM 31A/B sequence. These activities are designed to normalize challenging experiences within a college science course, build key study skills such as how to effectively review lecture notes and practice problems, prepare for and reflect on exams, and develop a consistent problem-solving process that will build student confidence over the quarter. Students should enroll in a weekly mentor section, occurring on Thursdays. You can read more about our individual mentors here: Co-Requisite: CHEM 31A
Terms: Aut | Units: 1
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